February 15, 2011

With Me

Sometimes things that happen in life that are simply inexplicable.  Lately, I have felt my mom's presence at certain times during the day.  Often, as I wake up I am certain that I dreamt of her or had some kind of connection with her.  I find these various encounters quite comforting. 

When my mom first passed away, I didn't dream about her at all. I missed her terribly and I wanted to be with her any way possible, but the dreams would not come. Then, one evening about a month after her death, I had such a vivid dream that as soon as I realized I was awake, I shot out of bed and grabbed my journal. I recorded every detail I could recall--down to the color of flowers on her nightgown and what she said to me as I sat with her caressing her arm while she layed flat out in a chair on the lawn. 

During this dream, there were lots of people shuffling by. I don't recall seeing many faces--only their backs and legs. But they walked on by as I sat with my mom outside of a tiny house on the front lawn. It didn't matter how many people were passing, it was as if we were the only two people around.  Mom assured me that she was going to accompany me to a specific event in the near future.

 I awoke from that dream feeling happy to have spent time with my mom, even if it was temporary. Yet, I did not have any more encounters like that one--until now. These days it seems as if just about every moring when I wake up, I am recalling some sort of contact I have had with my mom during the night.  I don't recall many details, but I feel more of a presence. It is light and comforting, like a warm blanket.

 It is consoling now that I seem to feel my mom's loving embrace even though we are on separate planes.......Thefore, I will continue to keep the door open which leads to a connection with my beloved mother and look forward to her next visit. I love you and miss you so very much mom!

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