February 2, 2011

Sometimes It Just Bites

There is no way around it, but sometimes personal situations in life simply bite the big one.  The only way I have found to deal with life's intricacies is to look around.  A person can always find something or someone worse off.  Or maybe they aren't worse off, but personal  perception says it's so.

 For example, I can't even begin to comprehend what is going on in Egypt. Sure, I see the chaos and destruction on TV, but I can't understand what makes a people go so crazy. I can't imagine living in fear and not even being able to walk out  my front door.

Here in America, we are very lucky on so many levels.  Sometimes when I think about every other person on the planet or any other situation I could have been born into, nine out of ten times, I count my blessings. Therefore,  I just try to do my best in the moment to be grateful for what I really do have.  


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