January 21, 2011

The Best of Friends.......

Kitty has lived with us for over a year now. Her official name is Trinity, but all we do is call her Kitty, so, I think all formality is officially out the window.  When we first brought Kitty home, Neo wanted to eat her for dinner. He went stark raving mad at the sight of her, and began salivating as if she was the best thing since sliced bread (or in doggie speak--rare steak). 

So, while we kept Kitty safely locked in the office, I thoroughly researched how to actually introduce a tiny kitten to a large dog. Yet, all the Internet pet experts told me to do was keep them separated.  At that point, I really thought Grover and I had made a huge mistake and that we were immediately going to have find Kitty a new home.

However, we had wanted a kitten for years and did not want to give up easily.  So, with lots of patience and persistence we were finally able to get Kitty and Neo together in very small doses.  This was a difficult task which took two of us, as we had to keep Neo on the leash while convincing him that his Scooby Snacks were much more delicious than the little black and white fur ball running freely about the living room.

Needless to say, after working with them for over a month, we finally realized it was safe to let Neo off his leash, and we thought it would get easier. Still, for weeks there was utter chaos in the house. Neo would spend every waking hour harassing Kitty and chasing her around the house. Kitty would spend all of her time trying to hide from Neo and not get pursued. She made a hide out underneath my bed and would attack anyone's ankles who walked by--including Neo's.

Yet, although Kitty played tough girl from underneath the bed she still cowered whenever Neo ran her way. Until one day, when she finally got fed up and instead of running away, she arched her back, shot out her claws, and swatted Neo in the face.  I sure was glad to have the privilege of actually witnessing that hilarious scene because at that very moment in time, the relationship between our two pets took a turn for the better.  From that day forward, the two began playing together, sharing each other's food, and even sleeping next to each other in bed.

To this day, Neo and Kitty are the best of pals.  Kitty even goes so far as to lick Neo and clean him up when he is dirty. They get into lots of trouble together--especially when they sneak in the snack drawer and gobble up all of their treats in the middle of the night when no one is watching.  The close relationship these two animals share is one that many people in life continually to seek out.   Therefore, it gives me so much pleasure to share our home with our two beloved pets----Mr. Neo and Miss Kitty.

All tired out after a day of playing together.........

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